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Seliḥah to the Inner Child Within Us, by Miriam Rubin


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inner child,
i ask for your forgiveness!
i recognize times when I’ve mistreated you, and i ask you, to please forgive me…

For all the times that I’ve judged you, and you shut down.
For the times when I’ve cast eyes of displeasure on your creative and luminous works,
For the times when I secretly whisper nasty things about you, that I would never say out loud,
For the times when I’ve asphyxiated you, and you felt cut off from your sacred life force…

For all of these things, please forgive me, pardon me, heal me.

For the times when I don’t believe in you,
For the times when we quit because you felt scared and alone
For not supporting you through these times,
For not holding space for you and your emotions

Please forgive me inner child! Pardon me, Heal Me

For making decisions that dishonor and hurt you
For creating conflict within
For not following your requests because I’m scared
For not regularly and reliably checking in with you
For blaming you for life’s challenges,
For not always providing you with a safe space to explore yourself and find pleasure in your gifts.

Please forgive me inner child!
Pardon me, Teach me, Heal me.

Dear Inner Child,

I wish for you, and bless you:

to experience pleasure in your process of discovering yourself and your uniqueness,

to experience pleasure in realizing both your complete greatness,
and your complete smallness,
and to feel pleased and tickled by the humor of this simultaneous reality.

to experience acceptance
of yourself, and your place
amidst the many communities, creatures and ecosystems that co-create with you,
the life of this planet

to experience yourself meaningfully
contributing in a profound way
to the evolution of our species on this planet

to experience great compassion for yourself and others

to experience your capacity,
and dedication
to creating more beauty in the world

to experience your ability to connect deeply to your inner knowing
and to make clear decisions that are calibrated towards
contributing to yourself and the world
in positive, life-affirming ways.

to experience tremendous respect for your ancestors and for the future

to experience an embodied sense of how precious this life is

to experience and channel your capacity to inspire others.

may we all experience a profound forgiveness
and a sweet turning to ourselves this season…

love love love

mir i am

Miriam Rubin writes,

i wrote this, the night of Sliḥot, the night of “Forgiveness”, when ancient prayers for forgiveness are sung and each person asks humbly to be pardoned from any misguided actions we have partaken in.

In the cycle of the Jewish Calendar, this is the period just before the New Year, when we take account of our actions, and ask for forgiveness and grace, so that we might be granted the opportunities to remake ourselves and grow in more resonant ways with our deeper calling…

may it inspire…

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